Unlike offline poker, online poker sessions tend to be much shorter, players at the table change very often, rarely does a player play for more than one or two hours in a row. As a result, players do not have time to determine the playing style of opponents; it is difficult to have a reputation in a short time. It is impossible to understand when the flop was raised by a maniac, and can rise or tighten again, and it is better to withdraw. The same applies to reactions to your actions. By default, the new player is expected to be quite average, but most of them will want to verify your increase, so you should bluff carefully.
Another difference between online pokers is the fact that no one can be seen as opponents, and there are no real poker chips. Online players do not need to worry about keeping a “poker face”: there is no need to worry about looking at your face, sweating on the forehead or a shaking hand showing your lantern. Sometimes, moving a stack of chips on a table is morally more difficult than clicking with the mouse.
IDNPOKER players often do not concentrate on the game. Someone is watching television, talking on the phone or checking email at the same time. Someone plays at the same time in 2-3 tables. This means that minimal attention is paid to the game. Online players often look at the table only when they play alone.
The above details of online poker allow you to give the following recommendations:
- Try to eliminate all distractions and spend all your time in the game to “decipher” your opponents faster.
- Do not trust your image; it is simply impossible to do. Don’t expect your lantern increase to disappear just because you played hard last time.
- Do not get involved in poker tricks. In online poker, the opponent first plays according to the strength of his cards, without thinking too much about his cards, so it is not necessary for a slow game to give him additional benefits, and bluffing is not always successful.
Another feature of online poker is not related to the psychology of the game, but to the Internet: the ability to disconnect the player during the game. To prevent the player from losing money due to this, most poker rooms are completely disconnected when disconnected. This means that the player’s cards should not be discarded, but it is believed that the player did everything for the amount of bets placed.